Message to the Peeps (4th Quarter)

I usually start these updates off with something like “I know I’ve been gone for a while but I’ve been busy” but that’s because it’s always true. Things have been as busy as they’ve ever been and I really haven’t had time to blog…for months!

Things are gonna get a lot more consistent (hopefully more consistent than ever before) and LifeOfLito can be better than it has ever been.

First of all let me address some things:

1)There WAS gonna be a B-Roll part 2 highlighting the second half of my Summer but there were some issues with my camera and I lost a TON of pics (AfroPunk and Fool’s Gold Day Off pics…gone!) but I’ve been accumulating a lot of pictures lately and hopefully they’ll be a part 2 sooner than later.

2)”5 Musical Acts” will be back in October (I’m already about 80 percent done with the article) and I’ll be highlight some awesome musicians from all over the world…just like old times!

3)”Shit I dig” will be back weekly. I’ll talk about anything that tickles my fancy that week…anything!

Also, starting in 2014 I want to start dabbling in some vlogging. It’s an idea that’s been tossed around and I’m really excited to be trying something new with my blog. SO GET AS EXCITED AS I AM!!!

In the meantime check out some of my older posts just so you know what’s in store. Plus, follow Shorewave Records (I’ve been doing some work for them and we got a lot of cool things coming this Fall) on Twitter, like their Facebook Page and check out the blog (maybe I’ll be posting from time to time).

I’m in the process of revamping the blog as well…so there…that explains the background. It’s gonna be like that for a little bit.

Well, that’s all for now peeps! I hope everyone had a great Summer and let’s finish the year off strong!

See you in October!
