Shit I dig: Underground Hip Hop and Loglady Records

Did you miss me last week? Yea, I’ve been hella busy, but I’m here this week with two things I just can’t get enough of! Let’s get into it.

Underground Hip Hop

Honestly, there’s been a ton of great music coming from the hip hop front (yes, even mainstream) but there’s definitely something different going on in the underground scene. The music just seems to be rawer, the emotion is at an all-time high and a lot less fucks are given.  I also noticed an almost DIY approach with all of their work, taking control of every single aspect of the creation process.


Who I dig:  I’m discovering new underground hip hop artists everyday…seriously. So I decided I’ll talk about a couple of my favorite songs and artists at the moment:

Florida’s Bukkweat Bill is making quite a name for himself lately and his popularity will only grow with people like Diplo mentioning his name on the radio. His 8886 EP was entirely solo produced (minus one song)

BlamLord’s reverb filled rhymes are something I come back to quite regularly as well as positive, uplifting raps from artists like Aidan Moore out of Portland and Michigan’s GoGoGatsby.

Loglady Records

Loglady Records

On the other side of the spectrum there’s Loglady Records, an indie record label out of The Bay Area founded in 2010. They release music from a multitude of genres. Indie pop, noise pop, electro synth pop, shoegaze and straight up experimental artists make up this label’s dynamic roster.

Indie pop band Legs has been getting a lot of attention from MTV Hive and Bullet lately. Notable acts such as Part Time and Permanent Collection aren’t far from global praise as well.

Be sure to check out their website and follow them on Twitter

Shit I Dig: The Next Four Months

It’s more like May to early September but May-August is definitely where all the fun is. The city really comes alive during the Spring/Summer months and unless you’ve been living in outer space since…EVER then you know that this time is when social life/activities double.

The Next Four Months

Why I dig this shit: I was wondering exactly how I was  going to talk about all the reasons why I love the next four months and I figured the best way is to make a list of the best four(see what I did there?):

1) Summer Movies

Now, it’s no secret that the summer is the best season for movies, so much so that really great films begin to be released in May; marking the start of the summer movie season.

This year is no different. Iron Man 3 has already become the second highest grossing movie of all-time; plus Man of Steel, The Wolverine, Fast and Furious 6, and Star Trek: Into Darkness are all high on the summer movie list as well and very, very good reasons for me to spend my money.

If free movies are more your style, McCarren Park will host Summerscreen, a free movie series, with some classics lined up. Enjoy The Goonies, The Craft and even Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, complete with popcorn, top notch scenery and great weather.

For a complete list of Summer movies in the US click here

2) Outdoor Shows

Now, not EVERY single show is an outdoor show but with the nice weather and long days, a good amount of then are. The Steve Madden Music Series is already underway and Shiny Toy Guns and Deap Vally have already graced the stage. Celebrate Brooklyn! and 4Knots are some of my favorites because up and coming indie artists are highlighted. Good Morning America is even having a summer music concert series with some high profile artists for you morning people.

For a complete list of summer concerts in the US click here

3) Less Layers

I think this is a blessing for all sexes


Read it and weep bitches!!!

Here’s a song I would play around this time of year that helps me not only reflect on past summers but helps me get excited for the upcoming summer…not to mention it’s chill as fuck.

So what are YOU looking forward to within the next four months? Leave a comment, hit me on Facebook, tweet me…just let me know! 🙂

Until next week guys,
